"Here I Stand"

Anybody familiar with the history of the Reformation may have already smiled knowing that quote belongs to none other than the great Martin Luther. It was April the 15th, the year of our Lord 1521. The setting: The Diet of Worms. (Mr. Lawson mentioned something I had never heard before--at least that I remember--Luther made a preaching trip out of his summons and preached in every town from Wittenburg to Worms.) He was asked but two questions: 1--Are these your books? and 2--Will you recant? Roughly, here was Luther's answer: "Unless I am convinced by the Scripture...I am bound by the Scriptures...I cannot, nor will not recant anything...Here I stand, I can do no other. God help me."

Luther is probably most famous for his declaration of sola scriptura and sola fide. He was, according to Mr. Lawson, the ice-breaking ship so the rest of Europe could follow.
II Timonthy 3: 16-17:  All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
"The man and woman who stands on the Word of God cannot be moved."

Point 1: Where We  Must Stand. Our stand on the Word of God is backed by six non-negotiable cornerstones. 1: The Inspiration of Scripture (II Tim. 3:16; II Peter 1:21). The Scriptures have one Primary author (God) who used secondary authors (men) to write His holy Word. Luther stated, "[It is] neither from man, nor of man, but from God." 2: The Inerrancy of Scripture (Titus 1:9; Heb. 6:18; Ps. 12:6, 19:7, 119:160; Pro. 30:5). 3: The Authority of Scripture (Ps. 19:7-8). It is soveriegn and all claims must be proved by the Word. 4: The Perspecuity of the Scripture (Ps. 19:8). The Scriptures are clear. They are not to be witheld from the people. And that glorious principle--Scripture interprets Scripture. 5: The Sufficency of Scripture (Ps. 19:7; Is. 55:11; II Tim. 3:17). 6: The Invinciblity of Scripture (Jer. 23:29; Heb. 4:12).

Point 2: Why We Must Stand. 1: To abandon the Word is to abandon God Himself--this is apostasy. 2: To abandon the Word is to abandon Christ--the Living Word, the author of the written Word. 3: To abandon the Word is to abandon the Truth. 4: To abandon the Word is to abandon the Gospel.

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    I've never done anything like this before...but I'm going to give it a shot...