To sum up the weekend: I HAD A BLAST!!!

(If  you didn't know...we went to the Skirmish at Chipco Crossing in period dress, staying with the 1st Florida Reserves and Civilians, in order for me to get reenactment footage for my Cow Cavalry documentary.)

We headed off to D. C. (not the District of Columbia, by the way), Friday morning. We had to stop three times and adjust the tarp over our load in the back of the pick-up knowledge of the horse-knot (aka the Bolin knot) came in handy. Around two hours later, we arrived at the museum where the reenactment was going to take place and set up camp--after we introduced ourselves to Mr. K (I like this man a lot). About the time we got finished, the L family showed up. One of their seven children had told me about the reenactment and invited us to come up...the L family: Mr. and Mrs., Samantha, Erica (the young lady above mentioned), Eldon (I think that's how he said it's spelled), Dana (a pretty girl), Thomas, Micah (a hoot!), and Philip. I had the strange feeling I'd seen this family someplace before. More people trickled in as the afternoon wore on...the S family: Mr. S, Rachel, Charley, Chris, and Katie. Even though we didn't talk much, I felt an immediate liking for "the other Rachel" and it seemed to be mutual. Whenever our eyes would meet we'd both smile--one of those 'clicks'. I also seemed to click with Charley and Katie pretty well. There was another family whom I can't remember their name, but they had four adorable kids and another one on the way: the kids were Mariah (the only girl), Noah (reminded me kind of another kid I knew 'way back when' :D), Josiah (buds with the younger L boys), and Gideon--he was cute as a button.

After the L's had been there a while (I gave them time to get mostly set up), I wandered over and, being myself, said something like, "I presume you're the L's?" Erica, being my contact (after a fashion), had to put up with me running my mouth at 90 miles an hour. That evening we played Rummicube (I'd never played it before). First it was just me and Erica, then Chris joined in...then Eldon, then Erica got out and Charley took her place, and then Chris quit and Rachel took his place. I was getting help from a girl named Amanda (reminded me quite a bit of one of my aunts) and later on from Eldon as the night got later and we were trying to wrap the game up. I forget who won.

We all headed for bed about 9-ish. It was already dark so no use staying up and getting eaten up anymore by misquitoes.  (Next day, Mr. L noted that he'd accidently opened the flap of his and the younger boy's tent, instead of the 'curtain'...Micah commented about it this afternoon, too. They had skeeter's all night because of it.) I slept horrible Friday night (though I probably slept more than I thought I did), what with going to bed earlier than usual, the harder than usual sleeping quarters, and the TRAINS...they had to be going by about every 15 minutes! I'd be just about ready to drop off and here'd come another one!! (I can laugh about it now :}) There was one in particular that we were all talking about the next day. Eldon said he looked at the time when it went by--about 10:30. This particular train must have been traveling super fast because it shook the ground worse than the others did and was louder. I got a flight response to it--which is rather weird--but I was literally ready to jump up and get out of there! My common sense held me in place and I just laid there tense. It's rather awkward to get scared (I wasn't really scared--I mean not intellectually--but physically I was; if that makes any sense) by something that one knows cannot hurt them--however, apparently I wasn't the only one to get that feeling.

Saturday morning, after dressing and breakfast (I really didn't eat too much this weekend; I blamed it on the corset, but Savannah is probably right that I was just too excited to get hungry :D), I wandered around trying to determine if the schedule was correct in noting that 9:00 was going to be a presentation of the colors in both the Confederate and Federal camps. First I talked to Mr. K--no, his group (who we were with) weren't going to do it, so he sent me down to talk to "Mr. Scotty" in the Confederate camp. No, they weren't going to do it either. So, I headed to the Yankee camp. On the way, with Savannah, we bumped into whom I think was the 2nd in command down there and asked him. No, the Federals weren't going to do it either! Oh well....

I went back to the encampment (most, if not all of the 1st FL R&C's camp 'modern' in tents and trailers--at least at this event) and the boys were messing around with their rifles. I managed to get my hands on one...a reproduction Enfield (I forget the year--a 50-something probably). I shouldered it and of course it was too big for me (probably that's why it was Eldon's--being one of the biggest boy's; he's taller than I am and has big hands--and skinny. :D) Someplace along here it was discovered that the rifle Charley was supposed to use was fouled up pretty bad. They needed to clean it (obviously), but to do so they needed to boil some water. I offered the use of our propane stove; which offer was accepted. I sat on the tailgate of the pick-up holding a rifle while I watched Eldon clean the dirty gun. First he poured boiling water down the barrel. The water coming out the 'nipple' where the priming cap goes was gray. After it cleared up, he took a chunk of paper towl (admittedly cloth would have worked better) and put it through the end of the ram rod (like a modern cleaning rod it has a channel through it--something I didn't know). He swabbed the barrel several times with paper towel and poured some more water down it. Apparently, when the ram rod bounces just right, they know the weapon is clean. I found the whole process quite interesting. We all talked about something while the cleaning was going on, but I don't remember what it was.

At 10:30, a UDC group put on a fashion show...Miss Jeanie (I believe she and her husband are affliated with the 1st Florida Reserves and Civilians) was really the most period correct of the ladies. I was shocked at the lack of petticoats and corsets. The men were more amusing to watch than the ladies...there was the planter gentleman who twirled his cane the whole time and young Mr. Thomas C. in his Tennessee butternut uniform. He's got a fine, sharp black hat bespeckled with mud (most likely on purpose). He also has a clean black hat...but he only wore that to the dance. (Both hats worn at a cocky angle; Savannah's probably right that he's stood in front of the mirror to get it right :D )

At the close of the fashion show, two gents with their horses walked in. One was portraying a rider from Gen. Braxton Bragg (there was a slight jab taken at said general by said man--so slight that people less familiar with Bragg--and I don't claim to be an expert--might not have caught it). The other man called himself "Joe Cracker" and he explained the nature of a Florida Cracker's get up. He called western saddles "Hope" saddles. I'll leave it to your imagination to fill in the details. ;)

All along this time I was reading a paper that Mr. K had loaned me; he said I couldn't keep it because he hadn't been able to find the link again! :D I finished reading it while listening to him and Mr. 'Cracker' and a few other gents talk. Savannah and I talked to Mr. 'Cracker' some too. I also had several good--not necessarily on topic (aka Cow Cavalry)--conversations with Mr. K.

I didn't attend the noon officer's call (where they planned out the battle) either Saturday or Sunday (today), but I did talk to Mr. K about it. Saturday I filmmed from by the Federal camp, but today I filmmed from the top of the hill on the Confederate side. I got a great shot of the 1st Florida R&C's coming along by the moonshine still. If I had only been a spectator rather than filming, I think I would have been quite tempted to let out a 'go-get-em!' kind of yell. As is, I had to keep a lid on emotions and focus on framing. I look forward to looking at my footage, but I really need to finish editing the SCV Cross Dedication ceremony, so I may wait awhile. (Besides, I will have to make room on my hard-drive--again!) Among some others of what I think are going to be great shots, was the Confederate cannon (right down the bore!), Charley being dead (he's just a kid so it's particularly touching), Johnathan with his flintlock next to the old man with the flour sack hat, Mr. Doug limping away, Mr. L and Eldon running away (they came back)....I really think today's footage was better than yesterday's, but I like the fact that I got front and back footage of either side.

Saturday evening, before the pop luck supper this group does, I helped Mr. L, Thomas, and Erica roll cartridges. Technically, I suppose the cartridges were already rolled (I think Thomas said he and Eldon and rolled them), but Mr. L was measuring out the black powder while Thomas held the paper tubes (one end being securely twisted). Thomas then handed the tubes with powder in them to either his sister or I. I got the hang of it pretty quick and enjoyed folding and tucking the ends. Erica and I got confused a couple times over how many cartridges were in the plastic bag on her lap. I think we did 100...

7:30 Saturday night brought the highlight: the dance!! Mr. K had asked me to take some shots for him so he could make trailers out of them, so I sat out the Grand March and a waltz (or two) and a polka (or two). He is part of a band called "7 lb.s of Bacon Mess Band". They are great! :D
Away, the caller, the fathers, and the "Yankee in the highland pants" made sure that no girls had to dance with girls. I REALLY liked that. We did the Virginia Reel several times--once I danced it with Thomas L, another time with Eldon...There was the Snowball Reel (it starts like the Virginia Reel, then devolves into a continual 'strip the willow' until you get back to the top, then you break off into a polka); I danced that with the "Jimmy Palmer" look alike from the Federal camp. (If you don't know who Jimmy Palmer is, he's a character off NCIS...) Eldon attempted to teach both Savannah and I how to waltz. "It's always the outside foot..." Now, let's see if I can remember that... :D I danced a polka with one of the youngest Federal boys...he didn't know what he was doing anymore than I did--so we bounced around together bumping into other people and laughing the whole time. He asked me how long I'd been reenacting (um...never...this is my first time) and told me this was his fourth and "obviously, I haven't picked up on the dancing yet!" We did the Patty Cake Polka; I started that one with "Jimmy Palmer" (it's a mixer) and ended it with him. I really like they way they did that one--starting out slow and speeding it up til it got almost too fast! It was SO MUCH FUN!! I danced the Cumberland Reel with Micah L (10)--he'd gotten me figured out earlier in the day, so he (he calls himself the "clown of the family") just walked up to me with a stinkery grin on his face, left hand tucked behind his back, and just floped that right one out to me. He said nothing--didn't have to0. I laughed and took the proffered hand. At one point, Savannah and I were talking to Eldon, and he told us that if there was any particular dance we'd like to do, to talk to the band and the caller (Mr. Doug). The next break, I was standing over by my camera (getting a drink), and I saw Eldon heading for the bandstand. He looked at me and gave me a signal to "come over here". By the time I reached them, he was already talking to the band about the dance we girls had mentioned--the Gay Gordon. Mr. Doug wanted to know how it was done, so I 'borrowed' Eldon (I don't think he minded), and walked through it (teaching Eldon at the same time). Soon the whole room was walking through it, then the band started playing and it picked up some. Anyway, once we were done, I asked Eldon what he thought of it and he said he really liked it and it was a new favorite. I have to agree...the Gay Gordon and the Virginia Reel are my favorites! There was the Broom Dance--kind of like musical chairs with a broom--or in this case a mop with a face drawn on it (different from what my family knows as the Broom Dance). We also did the "Hat Dance"--more what we know as the Broom Dance. I'm sure there were other dances, but I can't remember them right now. I danced with "Yankee's" and Confederates, short and tall, thin and thick, and only once with Savannah (well twice, but we got broke up. :D ) The highlights of the dance for me were Micah's little hand flopping out there in front of me, dancing the Gay Gordon, and just laughing and dancing til my feet were worn out :D (Sounds like the whole thing, doesn't it?)

*Disclaimer: dances mentioned above were not necessarily danced in said order... :D

Saturday night I think everyone slept better. There weren't as many trains and we were all tired from the dancing. However, sometime around three in the morning the whole camp was waken by blaring hip-hop. It sounded like there was a car parked on the road right there...I wondered if it was a black person protesting the Confederates. When I mentioned it this morning to Mr. L, he said he had the same thought, though it didn't turn out that way at all. After awhile  he called the police and two minutes later, Mr. S called the police (they compared phone records :D). Mr. D (who also preached this morning--exhorted might actually be a better term; but I'll get to that) walked down the hill to find out who was being so distruptive and found out that the people with that horrible racket were actually across the road, on the other side of the rail roal tracks! (Probably between 1/2 and 1 mile away.) Anyway, I think everyone went back to sleep and slept pretty well after the racket quit.

This morning at 10 we had church. We did some singing...thankfully, the lead singers were Mr. K and Mr. Craig (with their guitar and mandolin--respectively), so I didn't have to strain my voice. I think I ended up harmonizing. At one point, Erica (who was sitting next to me) made some mention about something "it's too high!" Which I can certainly understand; which is why I've figured out how to harmonize. Mr. D (excuse me, Rev D. ;] ), while certainly of a more Arminian stripe than ourselves, exhorted us to "get in alignment with God's Word". He used his own self as an example of how rebelling and not seeking God's glory (my words, not his) cause us great heartache. As Savannah said, "It was edifying..." It was, even though it wasn't what I am used to sermon-wise. We also took communion; Rev. D made mention that they (being his church I suppose) take it every week (like us!).

After church, Mr. Bret asked if we'd take his family's picture (the family with the four adorable kids mentioned earlier)--so Savannah did and then he took our picture for us. They are a really nice family. I danced with him a couple times last night. I'll say right here and now that the 1st Florida Reserves and Civilians is a great group of people...I look forward to seeing at least some of them again at Brooksville! (Mr. K told us to come stay with them, since they'll be there...) I asked Erica if they were going and she said she didn't know--"But I know which way I'll put my vote." (In favor.) Samantha agreed with her on that. :)

The battle took place at two and went off great. While on Saturday the Federals won, the Confederates took the field with glory today. Before they got started though, while I was still setting up, I got a surprise visit. I looked up to see Thomas C. coming up the hill. He reached the fence, put an elbow on it and started talking. I find him somewhat hard to understand because he talks fast, has a slight lisp, and his accent it a bit different than what I'm used to around here. Anyway, he wanted to tell me that he and one of his buddies have a group: the Liberty Guards Mess (I have to go to the website soon). Anyway, they do Cow Cavalry stuff. (As a side note, it's fasinating to watch that young fellow on the field--he carries himself like he knows what he's doing--very serious like.) He told me that he'd write the information down after the battle and give it to me. Well, he forgot. So, I put on my business woman hat (I had on my cowboy hat by now as the camps where closed and the public was gone :D), and chased him down. Not literally...he was helping take down a booth when I walked up with my pad of paper. I think he was slightly flustered because he had forgotten, but he wrote down his name and telephone number, then went off to talk to his mom about his brother's number (up until that point I didn't realize his mother was there--most of the time I saw him he was with Mr. K). When he came back, I got him to write down the name of his group. (Since I had really yet been unable to understand what he said!) I also gave him my last business card. Very polite young fellow...I'm not used to being addressed as ma'am--particularly by a fellow someplace within my age bracket. (I'd guess he's somewheres between 17 and early 20's...I'm a terrible one for guessing ages.)

We said good-bye to folks shortly after that and headed home. I gave girls hugs and shook boy's hands. Charley, Eldon, and Micah weren't too hesitant to shake hands, Thomas was, because his hand was dirty (they were cleaning guns), but I told him "don't worry about it". I also had to tell Johnathan not to bother about it, "I like gun oil!" I made sure to say good-bye to Mr. L (he was really nice and made sure we felt at home), Mr. Bret (because I liked him; he has a beautiful family), Mr. S, and Mr. Doug. Philip wouldn't shake my hand...I asked him if he were bashful, and he said "yes", but I didn't believe it. :D So I satisfied myself by messing with his kepi. It was great to see a bunch of little boys out there in minature Confederate uniforms....they were so handsome. :D

I had a thrilling, "Ye-haw" of a time :D Still, it was kind of nice to come home and actually take a head was really beginning to need it. I'm hooked....I want to keep attending reenactments--particularly with this group. Christian, primarily :)

I promise I will post some pictures soon--but it's too late tonight.



Savannah opened my door around 6:00 this morning ('tis a convient way of waking me--particularly when I'm only half asleep to begin with).  Soon I crawled out of bed and started my morning routine. We started getting attired around 7:00; it takes a bit longer than normal when wearing 1860's clothing.
Since I had loaded most of my gear into the Caddillac last night, I only had to put my camera and Zoom out there...along with the cooler containing our bonnet, my purse, and myself.

We arrived at the church and cemetery where the ceremony was being held right about 9:00. The A.'s were already there so we knew somebody :D The S.'s were there too...and after wandering around a bit and talking to the A.'s concerning the ceremony, Savannah, Mr. Bill, and I started setting up cameras in the various spots we wanted them. During this time, people of all sorts kept arriving...there were two cannon (and somehow it doesn't surprise me that Mr. Tom is artillery...); the color guard (one of them was rather strikingly good-looking--and I don't want to be teased over that anybody--the man was married and had a little girl--I just couldn't help noticing that he was handsome); the men of the two SCV camps that were putting it on; the SCV National Commander (he has a handshake like a vice; either Mr. Hill or Mr. A. introduced me to him--so much happened I forgot some of the details...); the Florida Division Commander (he had an awesome tie--it had our beloved Confederate generals on it!); and people who were just attending the event.

During the ceremony, those of us running the cameras couldn't hear very well (and I was the farthest off); the wind was blowing steady the whole time and the sound system wasn't working. I have no idea what any of the footage looks like yet...I haven't put it into Premiere Pro yet. I have to clear my hard-drive off a little more so I can get the footage from one of the cameras on the computer. (At present it is on an external drive.)

Anyway, I got a nice sunburn on my face because I was facing directly into the sun...which also means that I was having difficulty seeing the LCD screen on my camera. The way we had it planned was for me to do the static, establishing shots, Savannah to do the close-ups, and Mr. S to do the pan-shots (or following shots as we were calling them). I ended up doing some zooming and panning. I got plenty confused a couple times because of said problem of having the sun in my face, cutting down my visablity of the LCD screen. I found myself staring past the screen at the people in front of me, then back to the screen in an effort to determine exactly which light colored blob was which person.

The ceremony went something like this (mind you, I couldn't hear to great--but I happen to have a schedule ;D ): It opened with a prayer. The schedule says Mr. A was to pray, but I'm not sure he was the one who did...then there was the salute to the flag (I think I got off the last line, because that's when I realized they were saying it) and the Charge to the SCV. The singing of 'Dixie' then took place. The 'howdy and thank-you for coming' portion followed. Mr. P. (the MC basically) recognized the National Commander and the Florida Division Commander (the fact that the National Commander came was a big deal). Then he also mentioned all the groups of people who were participating.

Commander G. and Commander D. (the big-shot above mentioned) each gave a short speech proceeding the actual ceremony which goes something as follows. For each deceased soldier there was a "widow". Of the five I am aquainted with four of them. These "widows" were one by one escorted by a man in uniform (I'm aquainted with three of said gentlemen), to a seat by the headstone. After the lady was seated and the flowers she carried were placed, the man stepped back and saluted the grave. Mr. H. saluted very slowly and ceremoniously; it just fits his personality though. After all the "widows" were seated, the men escorted a little girl in a white dress (one for each soldier yet again--only I think they only had four) who removed the black cloth cover from the SCV cross by the stones. Once again, the man would salute the grave.

During this latter operation, the histories of the five men were read. In some cases, they were read by decendents of the Confederate soldiers. It is my opinion that Mr. A isn't the most comfortable with public speaking.

Once this part was done, two men sang the first and last verse of "How Firm a Foundation" (one of my favorites). We were reminded that it was one of General Robert Edward Lee's favorite hymns.

Then came an interesting part--the Color Guard's Last Drink ceremony. Said good-looking member of the Color Guard took a canteen and came round from one grave to the next, solemnly knelt down beside it and poured some water (I assume) onto the grave. If I remember rightly (I was attempting to get the man in my LCD screen!), he saluted--or maybe not.

Then "BOOM! BOOM!" The cannon went off!! I nearly jumped out of my skin the first time and I think I bumped the camera. I got mental goosebumps when I saw the smoke from the cannon floating through the flags...I don't have a picture of that...but below are the flags.
They fired two more volleys and more or less that was the close of the ceremony.
Before it started...I'm checking the camera...
That is the National Commander in the black jacket. Mr H. is on the other side of me in the kepi.
After the ceremony, we interviewed Mr. H. He had forgotten that he was supposed to be interviewed, but he pulled it off wonderfully! I know I have some usable material there--even though I forgot to change my camera setting back to what I've shot the rest of my Cow Cavalry interviews and b-roll in!! However, Savannah assures me that Premiere Pro will be able to convert it...

Then we came home, along with the S's and spent time downloading footage off the cameras. I spent about half that time moving stuff my from hard-drive to the external hard-drive. In order to get the rest of the footage on the computer (so I can work with it!) I will have to move some more stuff over onto the external drive. I sat and played the cello a bit too while waiting for stuff to download.

But anyway, I'm about ready to take my sunburned nose to bed...


It's been a while since ya'll have heard the sound of the Cow Cavalry's hooves druming faintly around here, hasn't it?

That's my fault. I rather fell off the bandwagon, but with new developments pending,  I got a figurative kick in the seat of the pants. I have spent two days this week now working on the interviews. Tuesday I spent propped in bed (a convenient place to work with my laptop...I can sprawl my papers out and it's easier on my tailbone than sitting on the floor!) going through my script and transcipts of my interviews with Mr. Arthur and Mr. Hendry...and myself. (So far, I used two short clips of myself.) Today, I have spent the day staring at my computer screen listening to two very nice men talk in their two totally different speech patterns about a topic that holds interest for both of them. I did manage to pare down some of the more lengthy, extensive clips. I don't want to overdo the interview aspect of this documentary. After getting two or three more interviews, I think I'm going to say "NO MORE INTERVIEWS!" In my opinion, you can get too many and I don't want an interview overload.

Now my fingers are itching to work on the AfterEffect compositions...but some of those are going to have to wait for reenactment footage. In October, Savannah and I will be attending a reenactment in Dade City...I'm still planning on the Brooksville Raid in January too. From those two reenactments I hope to have plenty of b-roll. I can visualize in a general way what I want...

I also think that I may actually need the narration recorded before I can get started on that aspect of the editing...that way I know how long an AE comp needs to be, how much of such and such clip I need to use, etc. So...while I actually have something in my timeline, which is REALLY exciting, I'm kind of stuck against the wall again for another little bit.

As you may know, in the Cow Cavalry lulls, I have been working on the scripts for a Western, a Western serial idea, and I also started a really, really, really rough draft of 'Spectrum'. Filmmaking has still been on the brain...everytime I watch an old TV show on MeTV I try to remember to notice the this morning, "Daniel Boone" was on and Daniel was hurt and light-headed. The cinematographer clearly protrayed that through the use of shaky-cam. It was really effective.

So, while you may not be hearing the Cow Cavalry thundering around much, I haven't forgotten them nor my aspirations :) In closing, I will leave you with a quote from Mr. Arthur:
    "But to me it is the honor of the thing. Supportin’ a cause when you know that you’re right...when their State succeeded from the Union, they supported their government and their way of life, and to protect their way of life. So you have to give these men great honor in what that they did. You know, none of us is perfect, we all make mistakes but we do what we do because we think it’s right and we stand by it. And that’s no better than we can do today."


Last week, we had two calves born on the same day...on the spur of the moment, I shot this video. AND guess what! I figured out how to embed a YouTube on here now :D


What do they have in common? Yesterday.

I'll spare you the gory details of my morning and start post lunch. After taking care of the lunch dishes, I pointed my noise toward town. In the Republican presidential primaries we voted at the county offices, so I went there first. I knew that the Rodeo Grounds was one place to vote, but I didn't know if that was where I had to go or not. I went in and was standing there...obviously I looked like I didn't kow what I was doing, because the lady walking around in the lobby on  her cellphone asked if she could help me. She directed me to the Supervisors of Elections office down 'that' hall. I walked in, stated my plight, had to give my name and birthday  (I forgot to tack the year on to start with!), and was promptly told I had to go to the Rodeo Grounds. (The girl who works in there is kind of cute and perky...she smiles a lot.)

So, I hopped in my car (rather, Savannah's car) and headed for the Rodeo Grounds. I got there without getting lost :D I went in and I was talking to myself as I stepped through the door. Now, this is of the poll workers asked me, "Where you talking to yourself when you came in?" I laughed (along with everyone in the room--only poll workers) and admitted I had. "Welcome to the crowd." It certainly made my voting experience pleasant :) I like laughing.

I left after casting my vote--I'm glad to say that one of the men I voted for is HSLDA approved! There was a tabby hanging around outside the door that wanted to be petted, so I gave it a couple strokes before I left.

From there I went to Wal-Mart and got some banana's (poor Granddaddy had been out for several days--I think he ate 3-4 yesterday afternoon), milk, eggs, cheese, and onions. I almost always grab a sack of onions when I'm in there--we cook everything with onion.

Fast forward: It was POURING down rain when I dashed from the house to the car on my way to the SCV meeting last night. I'm glad that my umbrella was in the house (I had thought it was in the pick-up...a lot of good that was going to do me :D). Even then I got my skirt soaked in the few seconds that it took to seat myself, swing my legs in, close the umbrella, and slam the door. By the time I got to the A.'s it was just sprinkling. I met some very nice men last night. Other than myself and Mrs. A. there was one other lady--Dolly. I like her :) A little more on the rough side than Mrs. A. but nice all the same. After the meeting, she came up to me and said, "I've been staring at your hair the whole do you do that?" Being myself, I grabbed my hair clips out of my hair, took the 'snappy' clips out of the top, shook it out and put it back up in demonstration. It is so much easier than attempting to explain: "You take this chunk in front, give it a half-twist, hold it in place with two of the clips...then take some from either side, give it a bit of twist, and hold it in place with the clips....Then tie the remainder of your hair in a knot and stick these jaw clips into it!" *grin* See what I mean?

I was told by Mr. A. to stand up and tell people who I was. I was already pretty comfortable in this group of fine Southern men, so I hopped up and really spent more time on the Cow Cavalry project than anything ;) My next interviewee was there so we talked a little bit...he's been real busy and it won't be for another couple weeks before he can be interviewed.

I even got to see a fella in Confederate uniform :) The eldest gentleman in the room was getting rid of his because he's not going to do anymore events where he dresses the part. So, the gent I was sitting next too, Billy, tried it on and came out for everyone to see...He bought it :) It fit him perfectly.  I put one of Mr. A.'s kepi's on my head. I didn't go look in a mirror or anything, but I was told that it looked good on me :) (You know, you can wear one of those things with a bun!)

I also spent a great deal of time talking to a Mr. S. They homeschool and his 13 year old daughter has an interest in filmmaking. So we talked about everything from home-education to filmmaking to boys/young men (lack of, mainly) to eschatology. I'm post-mil (had to admit I wasn't too sure about how post-millennialism handles the millennium--all the details) and he is pre-mil; but we could agree that God is Soveriegn. Mr. A. says he's pretty close to post-mil.  It was an awesome evening. I throughly enjoyed myself.

On my way home, on the home stretch, I was barreling down the road (going a little over the speed-limit. NO ONE does the speed-limit on that road anyway...) and out of nowhere I see this girl--who looked soaking wet--waving her hands in the air as though she was signaling me to stop. Well, I hit the brakes, but I didn't brain got to whirling. Here I was, a girl, by myself, at night--unarmed...nope, no stopping for me. I went on home. I almost cleared the house when I got home--Granddaddy was in bed with the door unlocked--but I didn't bother since anyone hiding in the house could have grabbed me before I even got to my bedroom where my gun is and as no one did I figured it was safe.

After taking my shower and as I settled in to Skype with my folks and after running my mouth for a while I mentioned the girl. Immediately, they told me to call the Sheriff's Office (now why didn't I think of that?) Finally, I got through after wasting my time calling (by accident) first the ambulence--thank-fully no one answered, then the city police who also didn't answer (not that they would have done me any good since we're not in-town), then finally the Sheriff's office non-emergency line. I gave the lady on the other end a discription of the girl and my best estimate of what time it had been. Oh yes, and I also mentioned the pick-up truck that had come up the driveway (it's a quarter mile!) and turned around in the front yard...

I was suffiently 'creeped' by this time. So after prayers when we all said good-night and the lights were out, I kept my snubbie in reach. I also did a little practice of how I could use my cellphone as a flashlight and shoot at the same time. I kept my finger off the trigger of course...

Not too long after going to bed and settling in with my door locked, I saw a flash. So, I sat up in bed and peeked out the window...sure enough, flashing police lights. I took the cardboard out of my window, grabbed my binoculars, propped up on the stone window sill, called my parents and gave them a play-by-play as I strained my eyes. (After all, I was looking through not just a dirty window, but a dirty screen with those binoculars--in the dark.) Must have been a car in the ditch--though I didn't really see any evidence of it when I poked out there this morning rotating the cows. (Speaking of which I still have at least two cows and a calf on this side of the fence. 'Bad Child'--so-called for her past fence breaking escapades--had her calf just moments before I came on her. She still had afterbirth hanging out her backside--I went in and got Granddaddy to come look--just in case she had a prolapse--and the calf hadn't gotten up yet. It was still wet.)

Anyway, I got back in bed around 12:15 this morning. If you can't guess, I kind of groggy today. I had a big day yesterday...


That's what I did this afternoon...I ran errands. It took a couple hours.

First I went to Do it Best and picked up more lights--my light kit needed the expanding. That was throughly demonstrated at Mr. Arthur's interview.

From there I went up to the local golf cart place and picked up the battery I was expecting. The fellow called this morning and said it was finally in. When I got there we had some small talk while I paid for it and he offered to carry the thing out for me. You'd be proud of me, I remembered to let him be a gentleman! I did have to man-handle it by myself once I got home, but that wasn't too much of a problem.

Then I went to Smith's. The cows had wiped out the mineral I got not all that long ago. Today I got five bags instead of four because Snip needed some too. I poured one sack into the trough in the heifer patch. Once he found it he stood there and ate--even after I brought his feed out. I knew he needed it...

I also bought the rascal another halter. This one is blue...I actually had the brains enough to look on the old one before I went in (I had it in the truck with me) and see if it had any size markings--it did 800-1,100 lbs. The Weaver brand has their halters color-coded and blue is the 800-1,100 lb range. Anyway, I guess his tack will match least on his face :)

Oh, and the $3 splurge purchase...I bought some leather heel-straps for my spurs. I've replaced the parachute chord on the right one at least twice now and I'm tired of my spurs flapping. (I paid cash on that Daddy...)

As I was leaving Smith's I looked out the window and some lady sitting in a blue pick-up truck waved at me. I took another look, grinned, and waved back. It was Bunny! Small world (ahem...more like small town...)

From there I went to Murphy's and filled up the gas tank. It was about half-empty. Then I swung by our place--I swiped the gun-cleaning kit that an Army buddy of Daddy's gave him for Christmas one year. I also remembered to pick up some beets :)

I came home and put the mineral out. After that I put the battery into the golf cart. After that I...fed the critters...I think. It looked like it was going to rain and it did, so I wanted to get that taken care of before the rain hit.

I went in and cleaned the guns. I was disappointed to find that the tip I needed was broken! Plastic junk... Anyway, I managed. I was finishing up on the rifle when I looked out the window..."Hey, Savannah! There is somebody in a blue pick-up sitting out there." It was some ladies from Granddaddy's church. They came in and we all had an nice visit.

As soon as they left we ate dinner (Granddaddy had already eaten). Even though it was kind of early, we ate because I was supremely ready :)

Tomorrow the plan has something to do with mowers and tractors...I'll leave you to muse on that...and wait for the tales that hopefully I will have to tell tomorrow ;)


Yesterday, July 26th, was my interview with Mr. Arthur. The Arthur's are a very nice couple and their house is quite interesting. It is almost like a museum and appears to be built after the old Cracker style. I don't think you can see them in any of the pictures, but along one wall, they had pictures of all the most famous Confederate generals. I thought it was so neat...

It took us a little longer than it should have to get there because I got my directions messed up. Well, rather I just didn't realize that Co. Rd. 660 was (or becomes) the road I was looking for...Anyway, now I know how to get there :)

We arrived and unloaded the car and started setting up after some initial chit-chat. Once everything was set up we had a pre-shoot cup of coffee.
The backdrop...
One of the lights...and my head. This was actually after the interview.
Mr. Arthur did use his notes some during the interview, but for the most part I believe it was alright. I'm sure it didn't help him any that the lights had to keep on being rearranged. The sun kept shifting so Savannah (my DP) kept telling me to move this light...shift that one...adjust the blinds, etc. It wasn't necessarily condusive to perfect continuity of thought for Mr. Arthur, but it was actually rather amusing. After all, it's better to laugh at stuff than rant. Particularly when you can't do anything about it! :D
I know that I got some usuable stuff from this fine Southern gentleman with his special Florida speech peculiarities. The best part was actually after the official questioning was over...Mr. Arthur gave me the closing speech for my doc! It was one of those times where I got the 'feeling' soon as he was done speaking I turned to Savannah and said, "I think I just got my closer." (If that is a word.) She responded, "I was just thinking that myself!"

We had a short picture taking spree afterwards and then Mr. Arthur broke out the period firearms he has made. (There were more flint-locks than precussions.) This man is a real gunsmith! We got to handle those big-bore beauties freely. These are certainly not girls guns. Nor for left-handed (or eyed) shooters. He made a left-handed 'boy's gun' for Mrs. Arthur, for like me, she is left-eyed. She went and got that so I could see and handle it.

After enjoying the guns, we sat around with another cup of coffee and talked for quite a while. Mrs. Arthur loaned us a DVD on black Confederates, so we will have to return at some point :) We also got invited to the SCV meeting next month and I think we will probably go.
That's a buffalo hide...
I have to go now...


This is just a quickie...Tomorrow is my interview with Mr. Arthur. I will try to get some stills up shortly after the event.

I have had another gentleman agree to an interview--this time Commander Hill of the SCV. We still have yet to work the details out, but I have suggested next Wednesday for the interview. By that point I ought to have Mr. Arthur's interview transcribed :)

Mr. J. Frank (the younger Mr. Frank...if referring to his papa I will say Mr. W. Frank) called me on Sunday to let me know that he had contacted to gents and said he would text me their phone numbers....he hasn't done it yet, but I think he is probably covered up. Still, I'm thinking about shooting him an e-mail.

On the Fourth of July we filmed our program...but the mic quit working during it and I didn't realize it til I put the footage on the computer. Anyway, I tested the mic this morning (I was supposed to do it on Monday!) and it worked. I think I must have bumped a setting when I moved the camera and tripod on the 4th. From now on I will pay better attention to such details...

I am throughly convinced that I want to and am planning on attending the Brooksville Raid reenactment in January. The consequence of that is the extending of my deadline (which was September 1st) and not entering in the 2013 SAICFF (which was a goal). Anyway, I think that it will be better with the reenactment footage. There will have to be some talking with J. Frank about this...he said he could get us in on the opposite side of the spectators--and if I filmed mulitple days I could get shots from different angles and such that might be great. But since I'm in no way familiar with the lay of land I can't really be sure of anything :)

I need a bigger calender--and a 2013 one to boot!!


At least, after two hours of transcribing an interview, that's what it begins to feel like...I do not think transcribing is my favorite part of the filmmaking process. To make up for the lack of interest in this post, here is a production still. 'Cousin' Hank was great :)  He is one of those people who make you comfortable very fast.
Well, even though I'm not super fond of transcribing, I am looking forward to interviewing Mr. Arthur sometime in the near future.


Woo-hoo! (Hmm, I don't use that very often--it sounds silly!) I now have a YouTube Channel! And one measley little video on it! :) That happens to be my Florida Cow Cavalry Promo...Check it out and give me some feed-back. I got the idea Thursaday while doing the 'flooded creek shoot'. I did a couple of rough-draft takes on it that afternoon. Yesterday, after deciding on what I wanted to say, I went out there and blabbed at the camera for at least on hour and a half. 17 takes + some (if you count the 2-3 times in some clips). I used 4 different locations (all around the bayhead) and a couple different positions. I finally settled on a head-on, straight to the camera style. Once I came in and settled on the take I was going to use, I plopped down at the piano and played my rendition of Dixie half a dozen times. The one I used fits amazingly! (I think...)

Other than forgetting what I was supposed to say, or mixing my words up, the biggest thing that went 'wrong' was those stinkin' bull frogs! In a pause in the words, I'd get this big ol' "gruck". Actually is was kind of funny once I realized what it was. I was keeping a close eye out for gators and snakes! I was carrying the .22 pistol, not that that would be much good on a gator--unless I shot him right through the eyeballs...but anyway. I was thankful that it was just bull frogs and lizards interupting me.
