There were at least eight calves in the yard yesterday morning. I was already planning on working on the fence, but those big and little calves happily munching in the yard was the clinching factor. Even though it was threatening rain, I betook myself out to fix the fence.

I started in the driveway, after running a calf back in and walking a cow in. Two wires were broken (one in two places) for about 16+ feet (bear in mind I don't judge distances like this very was at least the area between two fence posts). During this time, I was within spitting distance of a couple of cows. Gorilla cow was one of them--I'm just glad I didn't notice that that black animal sitting there was her until I was almost done. Last couple of times I've come close to her she's gotten aggressive. Then Moon-bat strolled across from the north side of the runway (I must get that electric fence back running!!) and she stood there and watched me for a while. I kept an eye on her while pretending I didn't realize she was there. Anyway, I had no cow trouble; even though I had the two I'm the most scared of close enough to hurt me if they had charged me when my back was turned.

From there I moved to the fence around the yard. I got one portion of the fence around the foot-gate tightened before lunch. I was in need of water by the time I came in. I really wasn't all that hungry, though I was feeling exhausted. I got kind of bummed as I dug the first of two post holes, because I got tired before I got a foot in! I am WAY out of shape.

Anyhow, after my lunch coffee, I perked up and went back to work. I finished tightening and re-stringing wire around the yard. (Savannah tells me there's already another broken wire out there...oooo....them calves are going to LOVE it when I get the electric fence back up!) That was fun. I had to work around the almost 2 1/2 foot in diameter chunk of tree. At some point while I was out there, cutting wire and hammering staples in, the cats--all six of them--meandered over (some closer than others) to where I was working. I had to laugh at Nelly Gray tearing up the tree, fighting spanish moss, and being an all-around goofy fuzz ball. She's an ornery little stinker. I have to watch it any more when I go out in the morning, because she's been trying to sneak past me into the house. It's one of those, "oh, no you don't" things where I reach down, snatch her up, and tuck her under my arm while shutting the door with my foot.

About calves in the yard...I had this goofy idea of setting myself up a crows nest on the top of the barn and sitting up there with a BB gun to shoot them with. Only in my dreams...first off, I wouldn't know where to start in an attempt to build a crows nest on the roof, and second, it really wouldn't be that practical because I'd have to shoot through the tree! And thirdly, I'd have to spend my entire day out there :D (And fourthly...I never can seem to get that BB gun to work! I even know how it works :P)


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