Opus Arte's production of William Shakespeare's romatic comedy; which just so happens to be my favorite Shakespeare play.

As most of you know, As You Like it is the story of Rosalind and her cousin, banished from the Duke's court...and young Orlando, the lover.

What is so totally cool about this production is that it was filmmed at the Shakespeare Globe Theatre! It is a recording of a live performace; and the production values are great. The actors are professionals for sure. It was great fun to watch how they interacted with the audience :)

The costumes were very period and the wigs (there were a few) were so natural that the bald guy might as well as grown that head of hair and Rosalind cut hers. (In the way I imagine it, Rosalind--as Ganymede--simply kept her hair securely under a hat.)

There were a few things that I wondered if they might not be period correct, but after talking to Savannah, would say that probably they were. You know, folks from the 16th century really weren't near as prudish as 21st century people--even though we expose more flesh. For those with young boys, there was two scenes where a female character is adjusting her chest to look more attractive--nothing too horrid, but still. For the easily grossed out, Touchstone (the jester) makes a somewhat crude gesture twice...

The finale was funny because the entire casts dances a modern dance to period music before they bow off. They look like they are having a ball while doing so :)

5-star rating


6/22/2012 05:41:19 am

It was great wasn't it?
I really enjoyed all of the Shakespeare plays I watched this winter, even the trageties.
You should watch the others!


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