Yesterday, July 26th, was my interview with Mr. Arthur. The Arthur's are a very nice couple and their house is quite interesting. It is almost like a museum and appears to be built after the old Cracker style. I don't think you can see them in any of the pictures, but along one wall, they had pictures of all the most famous Confederate generals. I thought it was so neat...

It took us a little longer than it should have to get there because I got my directions messed up. Well, rather I just didn't realize that Co. Rd. 660 was (or becomes) the road I was looking for...Anyway, now I know how to get there :)

We arrived and unloaded the car and started setting up after some initial chit-chat. Once everything was set up we had a pre-shoot cup of coffee.
The backdrop...
One of the lights...and my head. This was actually after the interview.
Mr. Arthur did use his notes some during the interview, but for the most part I believe it was alright. I'm sure it didn't help him any that the lights had to keep on being rearranged. The sun kept shifting so Savannah (my DP) kept telling me to move this light...shift that one...adjust the blinds, etc. It wasn't necessarily condusive to perfect continuity of thought for Mr. Arthur, but it was actually rather amusing. After all, it's better to laugh at stuff than rant. Particularly when you can't do anything about it! :D
I know that I got some usuable stuff from this fine Southern gentleman with his special Florida speech peculiarities. The best part was actually after the official questioning was over...Mr. Arthur gave me the closing speech for my doc! It was one of those times where I got the 'feeling' soon as he was done speaking I turned to Savannah and said, "I think I just got my closer." (If that is a word.) She responded, "I was just thinking that myself!"

We had a short picture taking spree afterwards and then Mr. Arthur broke out the period firearms he has made. (There were more flint-locks than precussions.) This man is a real gunsmith! We got to handle those big-bore beauties freely. These are certainly not girls guns. Nor for left-handed (or eyed) shooters. He made a left-handed 'boy's gun' for Mrs. Arthur, for like me, she is left-eyed. She went and got that so I could see and handle it.

After enjoying the guns, we sat around with another cup of coffee and talked for quite a while. Mrs. Arthur loaned us a DVD on black Confederates, so we will have to return at some point :) We also got invited to the SCV meeting next month and I think we will probably go.
That's a buffalo hide...
I have to go now...


7/27/2012 02:56:46 am

Please note: precussion=percussion....

I love you, Racheal!!!

I had a great time, also--and you didn't mention that the coffee was their special company coffee--Jamaican Blue Mountain...yummy coffee!

Sandra Sullivan
7/27/2012 11:51:49 am

How exciting!(numerous exclamation points) What an experience in every sense of the word!! I am so thrilled for you to have this gentleman and his wife as a resource. Enrichment is yours by God's Grace and Provision. :-D

Sandra Sullivan
7/27/2012 11:55:20 am

I wanted to use several exclamation points after my first statement just for fun and this blog wouldn't let me use them. A red statement came up saying I had used too many exclamation marks and needed to remove some. I thought that was pretty funny LOL

Your not so silent friend
7/28/2012 05:19:04 am

LOL, I guess this site doesn't want Sandy to be too excited!!!!


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