One of the first things I figured out this morning was I had bought the wrong kinds of, off I went to Wal-Mart after a Skype briefing with Daddy. Skype sure makes mechanic's lessons easier. I came home and connected wires...I didn't see a yellow wire on the truck, so I attached the yellow wire on the pig-tail to a light green wire. As I found out later that really was the wrong wire.

After lunch, Savannah and I went over to our place to test it and bring the pop-up back. Everything worked except for the left turn light. When we got home, after a brief stop at Wal-Mart, I crawled back under and actually located the yellow wire this time. See, most of the wiring harness only contained four wires: black, brown, light green, and dark green. However, way over in the left, where some other thing are wired in, there is a yellow wire.

The following are pictures taken during my second and more sucessful attempt.
I was bracing with my feet because I had to lift my upper body off the ground to reach the wires!
The mineral sacks did help with the height problem a little bit.
Striping wire. The second attempt at the yellow wire required striping and wraping.
Electrians tape is great stuff! (And those are Savannah's flip-flops. She was helping me out by sticking her legs under and letting me lean on them. It REALLY helped.)
I enjoyed this job pretty well...I got to get greasy and make something work :)

However, right about now, I'm really feeling rather ticked off at myself. The cows were cut off from their water (or a lot of it) all day! I didn't open the gates into the trap and woods yesterday when I rotated them (maybe partly because I got the truck stuck in the mud and by the time we got it out I had forgotten), and I didn't do it today either when I noticed--TWICE--that the cows were meandering along thataway with a purpose. [Just glanced out the window--it looks like they may be headed that way again! Good.] It was when I had half a dozen come over the wire and run toward the water trough on this side that I realized how serious it was. (I thought they could get to the one in the run from the farthest north chunk of pasture.) Anyway, I immediately headed out--on foot (because the truck is still hooked to the pop-up)--in my knee length skirt through shin and knee-deep grass (serves me right that my legs got all itchy and bug bit)--and got those gates open. I was steaming in more than one fashion when I got back to the house. I deserve to be horse-whipped...I KNOW better than to not have water for my cows...particularly when I have even the slightest doubts. So, suffice to say, I am mad at myself because I was being lazy and/or otherwise occupied.

I'm hungry...that beef in the oven smells awful good.


Okay, so 'razy' isn't a word...but it suits. I started the day out, after briefly peeking at my e-mail and Google+ page, by demanding the "five-pounds" of keys from Savannah. She willingly handed them over to me and I headed out on the first part of my day. After, that is, I fed the critters.

I hopped in the pick-up and took off across the creek. I would have preped to mow, only I had a chiropractor's appointment at 3, so I wouldn't have had time to mow. As is, I decended upon the pole shed and located the trailer I was in search of--behind a couple slabs of sheetrock (which is molding by the way). I moved the sheetrock, glared at the screws holding the licence plate on, and headed off to unlock the barn. After poking around in there, only finding a flat head screwdriver (I needed a phillips), I suddenly slapped myself (figuratively). I should have started in the house!  I know where to find a screwdriver in there! Within minutes, I had a screwdriver safely between my fingers and after just a few more minutes, I had the licence plate removed and tossed in the truck. I returned the screwdriver to the house, talking to the cows at the same time. They were up bawling something crazy--the reason being last time I was over there I gave them pellets....

I took off for Smiths. I walked in an asked the owner's son about the electric fence boxes and he led me to them. I got a different kind that what usually is was $3 cheaper and he said basically if it quits you just get another in exchange. I'm wondering if I shouldn't have gone with the old least I could test it with the PVC pile pole... I also got four more bags of mineral.

On my way home, I decided to swing by Wally-world and see about getting wiring for the truck. As I was standing there, I suddenly realized, "I should have looked at the connection on the pop-up!" Brilliant...I returned to our place, looked at the wiring, called Daddy, got some instructions, called Savannah to tell her I was going back to town, and then went to Auto-Zone. I had to get help there too...I was looking at wiring, but none of the trailer "piggy-tails". They were all the way in the back of the store! Obviously, I don't know how auto-parts stores are set-up :)

I came home and started putting mineral out. I decided on the spur of the moment to go ahead and attempt to rotate the cows. All went well, until I came back the second time to try to push the few remaining cows out. Great...I got my truck stuck in the beautiful loamy dirt under the oaks!! I spun and spun and thought I was going to get out and didn't. Then Savannah came out to tell me lunch was ready. We walked the last half dozen cows to the gate. Then we went in for lunch.

After lunch, I had about 35 minutes before I had to come in and get cleaned up so I could go to my chiropractor appointment. First, I hooked up the new electric fence box and then headed out to try again to get the truck unstuck. I used a couple boards, but still couldn't get it out. Granddaddy came out and hollered at me to get the tractor. I told him I'd go get Savannah to help me (because I think he was going to try walking out there--with his balance he has no business walking through that rutted pasture--even with the walker), so he went back in. I got my ear-plugs (I won't run the tractor without them) and started the thing up. I didn't take the bush-hog off; the chains were long enough to go under it. We got the truck hooked up and in seconds the truck was free. Believe me, I don't think I'll be taking the truck through that particular area again anytime soon....

I put the tractor away and came in to shower. By that point I needed it. My arms were orange from the rust on the chains and I had some on my face. I also had dirt all over me...the dent in my chin was definitely more pronounced :D

Soon I was driving down the road headed for P. C. I arrived at the chiropractor's to find the office locked up and Dr. K.'s car not there--the note on the door said "@ lunch; will be back at 1:30". At this point it was practically 3:00.

While I was standing there wondering what to do, an older gentleman pulled up and got out of his car. I figured I might as well pass my observations on to him. So I walked over and we started talking. He thought I was 28. I told him my actual age and remarked that people always seem to think I'm either 18 or 25. Then he asked me a question..."Your young and your female...would you mind telling me what you think about the elections?" I think I grinned. I do know I rubbed my palms on my pants. Then I stated my views, "I don't really like either candidate, but I'm voting for Romney." His smile got wider and he said, "Thank-you."

I thought that was kind of neat.

Shortly thereafter, one of the ladies who works at the place showed up. So, both the old gentleman and I got our chiropractoring afterall :)

From there I bounced over to the health food store to get Savannah some more brewer's yeast (I HATE that stuff...); then I came home.

Now I'm ready for supper :)


There were at least eight calves in the yard yesterday morning. I was already planning on working on the fence, but those big and little calves happily munching in the yard was the clinching factor. Even though it was threatening rain, I betook myself out to fix the fence.

I started in the driveway, after running a calf back in and walking a cow in. Two wires were broken (one in two places) for about 16+ feet (bear in mind I don't judge distances like this very was at least the area between two fence posts). During this time, I was within spitting distance of a couple of cows. Gorilla cow was one of them--I'm just glad I didn't notice that that black animal sitting there was her until I was almost done. Last couple of times I've come close to her she's gotten aggressive. Then Moon-bat strolled across from the north side of the runway (I must get that electric fence back running!!) and she stood there and watched me for a while. I kept an eye on her while pretending I didn't realize she was there. Anyway, I had no cow trouble; even though I had the two I'm the most scared of close enough to hurt me if they had charged me when my back was turned.

From there I moved to the fence around the yard. I got one portion of the fence around the foot-gate tightened before lunch. I was in need of water by the time I came in. I really wasn't all that hungry, though I was feeling exhausted. I got kind of bummed as I dug the first of two post holes, because I got tired before I got a foot in! I am WAY out of shape.

Anyhow, after my lunch coffee, I perked up and went back to work. I finished tightening and re-stringing wire around the yard. (Savannah tells me there's already another broken wire out there...oooo....them calves are going to LOVE it when I get the electric fence back up!) That was fun. I had to work around the almost 2 1/2 foot in diameter chunk of tree. At some point while I was out there, cutting wire and hammering staples in, the cats--all six of them--meandered over (some closer than others) to where I was working. I had to laugh at Nelly Gray tearing up the tree, fighting spanish moss, and being an all-around goofy fuzz ball. She's an ornery little stinker. I have to watch it any more when I go out in the morning, because she's been trying to sneak past me into the house. It's one of those, "oh, no you don't" things where I reach down, snatch her up, and tuck her under my arm while shutting the door with my foot.

About calves in the yard...I had this goofy idea of setting myself up a crows nest on the top of the barn and sitting up there with a BB gun to shoot them with. Only in my dreams...first off, I wouldn't know where to start in an attempt to build a crows nest on the roof, and second, it really wouldn't be that practical because I'd have to shoot through the tree! And thirdly, I'd have to spend my entire day out there :D (And fourthly...I never can seem to get that BB gun to work! I even know how it works :P)


This past week has been filled with sewing adventures....Savannah tried her hand at millinery for the first time and I think the results were pretty spectacular! I made a bodice to go with my already extant skirt. I had to sew that ribbon on twice and it still isn't as nice as I'd like. Worse yet was the hooks and eyes :{ I hate sewing them on. I ended up using several snaps to hold the hooks and eyes closed.
You can't really tell here, but I sewed the hooks and eyes on with white thread. It really looked pretty awful and Mama suggested that I take a blue sharpie and color the thread. I did and it really helped! (This picture would have come out better if I hadn't had my arms behind my back--but I was trying to mask the fact that my lower sleeves still needed wrist closers!)
NOW...for the bonnet!!
This is what it started out as--just a horrid floppy hat. (Say, how'd you like my apron?)
And....just a couple more random pictures of my outfit....I obviously forgot all about my collar...but that's okay. It isn't 100% necessary :D
Savannah's bonnet and outfit. She's wearing one of my favorite's almost too small on me, but I'm too selfish to go ahead and give it to her. (Besides, it's a bit large on her. :D)
I hope you enjoyed this motley group of pictures....embeding them from the skydrive isn't as clear as if I took them full-size and then shrunk them in Photoshop--but this sure is faster and takes up less hard-drive space.



Part one: Leaving the house before 9:00 to go purchase a lawn mower. 

I went down a road I'd never been down before :D We arrived at the gentleman's house to see the old gray Craftsman mower sitting out front. We went to the door and Savannah knocked and rang the door-bell while this little poodle yapped at us through the window. Then I decided to go look at the mower. I looked up and Savannah was gone! She had gone around the back of the house to the man's shop (where he was) and soon returned with him. He showed us (me in particular) how the thing runs, cranked it up, engaged the blades, etc.

Savannah handed over the money and got a receipt. Then we helped him load it on his trailer, as he very kindly hauled it out here for us. We weren't very far down the road when he pulled over...his ramps were sliding off the trailer. I hopped out of the car, followed by Savannah and helped get another strap on it.

Once we got here, we unloaded it, I shoved the Murry further back into the barn, and rolled the 'new' one in.

Part two: Music

I played my guitar before lunch for a bit (after tuning it, of course; I put new strings on it Wednesday and they are still stretching). After lunch I practiced my cello. Then I played my guitar again :D Even though I sound pretty bad, I have certainly been enjoying getting back into my music!

Part three: Tree Limbs

Now, that was something of an adventure. There was this branch that I noticed yesterday was broken off and caught in the next tree over; however, it was endangering our car. So, I figured I would remove the thing. First off, I grabbed the saw on the extention and tried sawing the thing down (while standing in the back of the pick-up. I need the height! *laughing*) I got so far and then figured I'd attach the pick-up to it and pull it down. I had the chain hooked to the ball on the truck when I suddenly realized that there was another, much more dead, branch that would come snapping off if I pulled on the first branch. Hmmmm. Ah ha! Get that second one down first. I did that by going to the barn, hunting up some rope (at first I thought Granddaddy didn't have any--until I found a piece laid up on the bench on the south side), and throwing it over the branch (once again standing in the pick-up--that took several tries). I moved the truck and tied the rope to the chain and pulled. The branch soon cracked off. Then I grabbed the first branch by the end (by now I had also already removed the leafy stuff on the end with a hatchet--I started with the handsaw, but figured the hatchet would be much faster and really easier), and walked backwards and sideways with it and down it came! I dashed back to the barn (for at least the third time) and grabbed the nippers. I removed the smaller, leafy limbs with them. Then I had to go back to the barn again for the ax. I chopped the branch into three pieces and pitched them into the truck along with all the other wood. Seriously, swinging the ax didn't hurt my shoulder, but tossing the wood in did...go figure. I took the stuff to the growing piles of wood and pitched in...I think a cow or two was watching me :)

Part four: Dinner

Savannah asked me to make dinner tonight. So I did. She was planning on fishcakes, but after a bit of consulting, we decided to on salmon mousse instead. So, I whipped that up, cut up half a head of head lettuce, and heated up the left over navy beans.

See ya later!


Unfortunately, none of the above happen to be dishwashers :D

The day really started at about 8:30. I was running my mouth to Savannah about the upcoming SCV cross dedication (I had a flash of inspriation which turns out was unnecessary) when the telephone rang. I heard Granddaddy say, "I don't know, Lee." I poked my head around the corner and met Granddaddy's eyes. He smiled and kind of held the phone out toward me. "Does she want to talk to me?" Yup.'m planning on mowing today...okay, yeah....I think Daddy was going to call about those mowers (in the local 'shopper' ad)...did she really say that?? Yes, she did...she told me not to mow until the grass dried up some! Huh...since when do that side of the family care whether the grass is dry or not? Anyway, I told Savannah that tidbit and we had a laugh over it.

I went to go get breakfast and I looked out the window to see two white cows in the yard! I let out some exclaimation about 'stinkers'...spun around and dashed to the dryer, yanked the laundry out (I needed some socks!), grabbed the first matching set of socks I found, shoved them on my feet, followed quickly by my boots. Then I had to get my pant legs over the top of them. I shot out the door and around to corner, only to find out that while I was sock, boot, and jean wrastling, those ol' cows had high-tailed it out of there! They just knew I was on my way out to shout at them and wave my arms like a regular windmill...I could still see them making a break for the rest of the herd out in the east pasture. I had to was soo funny!

I got started mowing somewhere around 10:00 and finished about 1:00. I did the yard and the driveway. I did a better job on it than last time...I wasn't hurrying to make it to a chiropractor appointment this time :) In addition to that I did something Daddy would be proud of me for--I listened to the engine and belt and was able to determine when it had to much load on it. I moved very, very slowly up and down the south side of the driveway so I didn't overload the engine...this resulted in a much better mowing job to boot. (And happily, the number of spiders and webs were greatly dimished since last time. *Laughing grin*)

After lunch and some wasted time on the internet--not overmuch--I got started on the dishes. That didn't take any longer than usual. Once I finished that I set up the food processer and grabbed the cabbages out of the box on the floor and made a lot of noise making kraut. Granddaddy got up at one point, "to see what you were doin'." It was at this point I bumped a bananna and commented on how squishy it was. He decided to check it out; then we both decided that it was too soft to eat and that I ought to make some 'nanner bread out of it.

I got the cabbage all shreaded and then got Savannah to 'doctor' it. She does it by eye...which doesn't exactly help me figure out the salt and whey amount...but hey, I don't suppose that's any different than me eye-balling the amount of honey I put in my breads :D I mixed the stuff up with my hands--in the long run a whole lot less messy (at least for me; I can spill anything with a spoon).

I started washing up and the sink backed up. Savannah and I got that running freely again. By the way, about the time I started in on the cabbage, the sky let loose and it poured rain. It continued to rain for several hours. Once I finished cleaning up my cabbage mess, I made the bananna bread. More mess :) I took the slop out--by now it wasn't raining--and finished cleaning up the kitchen. Then I went to practice my guitar. Savannah came and we played some stuff together for bit, then I fed the critters. Nellie Gray (the gray kitten) likes to follow me around. Then was supper. Then yet another batch of dishes...and finally I packed the kraut into jars. Yehaw...was that a mess! I had to clean the kitchen up yet again. And now...I can be done for the day :)

So, Night ya'll! (Even though I'm not going to bed yet ;D)


P.S. Can you believe it? I'm actually listening to opera (which I don't usually like) on WCPE and enjoying it! Maybe because it's just background noise. Somehow I think it's Spanish--but it could be Italian--probably is at that.'s pouring rain again, but we did get the cows wormed :D

Someplace around 3:30, the sun shining, Savannah and I headed across the creek with the blue liquid, one sack of mineral, and one sack of pellets. The girls were all over in the east pasture so we went over there. I turned the engine off, climbed into the back of the truck, hooked the squirt gun to the 'poison' bottle, and dumped 98% of the feed all around the bed of the truck. Then I hung the bottle on my left shoulder (which kind of bothered it, but the other way wouldn't have worked) and waited for the cows to start munching. Savannah lured Socks (who's preganant--obviously so) over with a pellet or two and shortly thereafter the other three girls meandered over. After a few unsuccessful attempts, I figured out how to get the worm medicine on their backs. I'd put on knee on the edge of pick-up, lean out just a bit, stick my arm out slowly, cocking the squirt gun upwards a little so that the liquid would arc. Presto! A wormed cow!

Next we had to discover where my dear Captain Abraham was hiding. We drove around a bit, but he was where I figured he might be...coming down the west side of the fence. Stupid as usual, he came toward us on the wrong side of the Uncle L fence. I had already dumped the remaining feed out. So, Savannah grabbed a couple handfulls of pellets and left him a trail. It took a bit and a few 'Hoo's from Abe before he got around to where I needed him :) Then--zip! Bull is wormed too!

We returned to Granddaddy's after I dumped the mineral. On the way, we stopped to talk to Mr. Al, our neighbor two houses down. He was walking with his dogs. We talked about health problems (his, Granddaddy's, Grandpa's, and my broken bone) :) He also said, "I come down here and give your horse some chewing tobacco every now and again." At first I thought he was kidding (he does chew afterall), but then I realized he was serious. Savannah said she knew he wasn't joking when he said, "Horses like that." It tickled me. I hope tobacco isn't bad for horses though...

Once here, I decided I'd better go ahead and rotate the cows. Well, I have all but three cows, three calves, and the black bull back on the south side. Two of said calves are newborns (today kind of newborn). One belongs to one of the white faced brindles--it's brown. The other belongs to none other than Moon-bat! I'm totally happy that she finally had that calf. It's a bull and red, like her. There's a whole confusing tale that goes with the discovery of those two babies, but I'm not going to bore you with it. Suffice to say, I got distracted with a gate in the pens and didn't succeed in convincing said animals to get along like I wanted them too. I was hungry so I wasn't exactly the sweetest, but neither did I get mad at them. I know when to give in to a cow--really I do...and they had me whipped.

So, that's part 2 of this day :D


Greetings from a wet day--it's been threatening this all day long but it finally broke and the sky is weeping large drops. It's also growling a bit. I'm sure glad I got home when I did--for two reasons 1) I had mineral and feed (in paper sacks) in the bed of the pick-up and 2) the windshield wipers don't work well.

I struck out after lunch, coffee, and dishes to do my errands. I needed to get mineral last week, but I didn't feel good. Anyway, I took off with my Baroque happily playing in the CD player. I like that CD; so far I haven't had any inclination to change it. I first stopped at Bryan's. I think the man who put the feed in the bed of the truck was new. The other one I knew. After purchasing my horse-feed and bouncing back into the truck I headed for Smith's. As I pulled out of the drive way onto "11th" street, my cell-phone got slung from where I had it set and ended up under my feet. Oh, well. It stayed there until I got to Smith's--I wasn't about to have a wreck simply to have my cell-phone within reach!

At Smith's I marched in, petted a big mutt (I like mutt's; the bigger the better :D), stepped up to the counter and nonchalantly order "8 bags of mineral and 1 sack of pellets". By now, the folks at Smith's know to put it on Granddaddy's tab. He has got a running credit line there. (It's really quite funny, but the last couple times I've been to Smith's I've checked the mail on the way out and found the bill from my last trip in the box!)

I drove around back and 'Drummer-boy' and 'Sandy' (previously known in these posts as Redneck 2) loaded my truck. I was kind of sorry that the 'Ol Man' wasn't there--I like him the best and he usually asks me how Granddaddy is doing.

I got an extra half-bag of mineral for free because it had been ripped. Shaw! I could tell the truck was loaded when I went to pull out of there! I calculated up the extra weight sitting at the stoplight--about 575 pounds. (100 lb.s of horse feed, 50 lb.s of pellets, and approx. 425 lb.s of mineral.) See, I can do some math in my head! I even used multiple functions...multiplication, addition, and subtraction! ;D (Okay, enough patting myself on the back...)

I got home, put a sack of mineral in Snip's tub, and then in the cow's tubs. Three sack per last's a tad longer if I do three sacks per tub rather than just two. The other bag is currently sitting on the golf in the garage with the pellets on top of it--it is intended for my cows. We were going to try and worm them today (they desperately need it!) but I don't know if we'll get to that today. It rather depends on the weather.

As it is, I'm in need of my first afternoon snack--I'll probably have a bowl of cole slaw...I made lunch today and cole slaw was one of the main features. Along with chicken breasts cooked in a skillet with onions and left over peas. It wasn't bad if I do say so myself.


I mowed our place yesterday....As usual, I dashed over first thing in the morning and hooked the Kubota up to the battery charger (I need a new battery!). I rotated the cows after I came home.

After lunch and watching 'Hawaii Five-O' (the orginial) with Granddaddy, I went back to our place.  I tried to start the Kubota and it just grunted at me. Humph. Well...I jumped it with the pick-up and it roared to life with a little subtle choke action. Then, with that right-rear tire flat as usual, I limped it over to the front of the barn, aired up the tires and greased it.

Thankfully, the grass wasn't as soppy as the last time I mowed, so it didn't threaten to bog down as much as it did last time. I got done with the back yard and headed to the front yard, and was in practically the same spot where I ran out of fuel last time, when I felt a bump, heard a rattle as something banged into the blades, and despite my efforts, the engine puttered out.
I figured I might have had the deck too low (that is pretty deep grass right there) and hit a stick--though there usually aren't sticks right there. Um, well...

I cranked the Kubota back up (yay! It started without having to be jumped!) and backed it up a couple feet. That's when I realized the truth of the matter. There, laying over on it's side, dug into a small hole was none other than the left caster-wheel off the mower deck!! "Oh great! Now, I've broken the wheel off!!"

I hopped off, collected the wheel, pulled my cellphone out of my back pocket and called Daddy. He told me to go ahead and keep mowing, just when lowering the deck be more careful. I think, though I don't know for sure, (hands and knees still hurts my left shoulder some), that the wheel is held on by a sort of big snap ring. That's what came off and no way I was going to find that in think eight-inch grasss! Maybe if it had been another color than dark gray....

Anyway, the grass got mowed...and the cows didn't get any of it thrown over the fence to them--they could use it, but I didn't think I needed to stress my shoulder yet. Poor Abe looked me straight in the face and went: "Mahoo!" I have to get those animals wormed sooner than later--they look horrid!

And that was my day...basically.


The Murry mower actually ran you may know, that mower doesn't like running. I tried to start it last week and it didn't even grunt. After talking a walk through the heifer patch and horse lot this morning, soaking my jeans up past my knees and my boots and socks straight through, looking for Snip's wayward halter (which I did not find), I went to the barn.

I first took the cover off the Murry and eyeballed the engine--nothing looked wrong (like I would know anyway!), so I called Daddy and then I proceeded to take his advice. Once I put the cover back on and some gas in, I pushed the Murry out, ran to the house and got my keys, and brought the pick-up over. Then I hooked the jumper cables up. My attempt at grounding the negative cable was not sucessful at first because I hooked it to the mower deck. I called Daddy again and hooked it to the battery. Then, I took the positive jumper cable and put it to the bolt holding the cable into the starter, sparks flew and the engine started roaring to life. I jumped back and it puttered out. I am SO very thankful that I moved when I did, because my left foot was partially under the mower deck--and the blades were engaged!!! For some reason (providence!), I decided to check whether the blades were engaged before I tried starting the mower again...and I was horrified to see that they were! (You can tell by looking at the belt.) Anyway, I tried again, messing with that oh-so-stiff choke, and this time it stayed on!

I jumped on and started mowing. Shortly thereafter, I ran the deck into part of the fallen tree's root and it bent it under. The blade was rubbing on the deck so I disengaged the blades, dashed back to the barn, grabbed a pair of pliers and dashed back. I ended up actually using my hands more than the pliers to bend the deck back out, but I'm glad I had them anyway. I stuffed them into my back pocket and went back to mowing.

I didn't completely finish around the downed tree, but I did get behind the barn done before moving off to take care of the driveway--which REALLY needed mowing. By the time I got done with the north side, I had what I call 'the spider-creeps'. I confess, I did yell a couple times when colliding with spider webs. I didn't have my hat on (it would have been raked off even if I had) and I didn't even have my bandana on, so I was really rather paranoid about getting those ugly eight-legged critters in my hair.

I was almost done mowing (by now on the south side of the drive) when I ran out of gas. (I had put some in before I tried starting the machine and was going to finish filling the tank if I got it started, but what with the sparks flying and the excitment of getting it going, I forgot...) I pulled my cellphone out of my back pocket and called Savannah. "I'm out of gas! Will you bring some down to me in the truck?" Of course and she did.

While pouring gas into the mower, the UPS man drove by and we waved and he honked...we rather know who each other are a little better now after finding each other attending last weeks SCV meeting :D

Anyway, I got the mower running again, using the jumper cables and the starter (bypassing the ignition switch--which apparently is bad). I finished mowing shortly thereafter. Because the yard itself doesn't need to be mowed I went ahead and put the mower away. (Besides, with the way the deck is broken and tied up, attempting to mow the yard would rather be a waste of just reaches the tops of the seed heads.)

As soon as I got the mower shut off, I rushed into the house and showered--we needed to be out the door headed for my chiropractor appointment--fast! Savannah fixed me a plate and I ate lunch on the way down. Thankfully, we weren't late. I got cracked and now we're home...and it still feels/looks like it is going to rain.'s time to go pick and grin :) See ya later!
